ABA Vocabulary
Back out | Retirarse | C1 | 142 | Vocabulary |
Attention grabbing | LLamar la atencion | C1 | 142 | Vocabulary |
Hassle | Molestia | C1 | 142 | Vocabulary |
Underperform | Bajo rendimiento | C1 | 142 | Vocabulary |
Code error | Error de codigo | C1 | 142 | Vocabulary |
Shallow | Poco profundo | C1 | 142 | Vocabulary |
Overall Budget | Presupuesto General | C1 | 142 | Film |
Copper | Cobre | C1 | 142 | Film |
Fluctuate | Fluctuar | C1 | 142 | Film |
Row material | Materia Prima | C1 | 142 | Film |
Domestic Market | Mercado domestico, nacional. | C1 | 142 | Film |
Criticize | Criticar | C1 | 141 | Exam |
Rowboat | Bote de remos | C1 | 141 | Vocabulary |
skipper | patron, patrona | C1 | 141 | Film |
Stain | Mancha | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Downpayment | Depósito | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Property line | Linea de propiedad | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Hardwood | madera dura | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Zoning | Zonificación | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Linoliem | LINÓLEO | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Ironing Board | Planchador | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Amenities | Comodidades | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Upholstery | Tapiceria | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Pose | Posar | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Utilities | Utilidades | C1 | 140 | Vocabulary |
Estate agency | Agencia inmobiliaria | C1 | 140 | Film |
Tenant | Inquilin@ | C1 | 140 | Film |
Inherritance | Herencia | C1 | 139 | Exam |
Unwilling | Reaci@ | C1 | 139 | Vocabulary |
Stockbroker | Corredor de valores, de bolsa | C1 | 139 | Vocabulary |
Enable | Habilitar | C1 | 139 | Vocabulary |
Hesitant | Vacilante, dudoso | C1 | 139 | Vocabulary |
Unconscious | Inconciente | C1 | 139 | Vocabulary |
Subtly | Sutilmente | C1 | 138 | Exam |
Topic | Tema | C1 | 138 | Film |
Encourage | Alentar | C1 | 138 | Exam |
Toiletries | Articulos de aseo | C1 | 138 | Vocabulary |
Minifridege | Mini nevera | C1 | 138 | Vocabulary |
Rehearse | Ensayar | C1 | 138 | Vocabulary |
Accommodate | Acomodar, Alojamiento. | C1 | 138 | Vocabulary |
Refreshments | Refrescos | C1 | 138 | Vocabulary |
Dorm | Residencia universitaria | C1 | 138 | Vocabulary |
Unplug | Desconcectar | C1 | 137 | Film |
Farm house | Casa de campo | C1 | 137 | Film |
In my fifties | En mis cincuentas | C1 | 137 | Film |
Above all | Sobre todo | C1 | 137 | Film |
Largely | En gran parte | C1 | 137 | Film |
Backlog | Atraso | C1 | 137 | Film |
Gravy | Salsa | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Crispy | Crujiente | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Chop | Cortar | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Herbs | Hierbas | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Toss | Sacudida | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Dough | Masa | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Nerve | Coraje | C1 | 136 | Grammar |
Nourishing | Nitritiv@ | C1 | 136 | Vocabulary |
Backers | Patrocinador@s | C1 | 135 | Film |
Road trips | Viajes de carretera | C1 | 135 | Exam |
Fizzy | Refrescante | C1 | 135 | Film |
Dissertation | Tesis | C1 | 135 | Speaking |
Loop | Circulo | C1 | 134 | Vocabulary |
Misbehaviour | Mal comportamiento | C1 | 134 | Vocabulary |
Reconsider | Reconsiderar | C1 | 134 | Vocabulary |
Dovore | Devorar | C1 | 134 | Vocabulary |
To carry out | LLevar a cabo | C1 | 131 | Film |
By now | Ya | C1 | 129 | Vocabulary |
Main charm | Mayor encanto | C1 | 128 | Film |
Summarize | Resumir | C1 | 128 | Vocabulary |
Side effects | Efectos secundarios. | C1 | 128 | Vocabulary |
Itenerary | Itenerari@ | C1 | 129 | Vocabulary |
Wagon | Vagon | C1 | 129 | Vocabulary |
Keep up with | Seguir | C1 | 129 | Vocabulary |
Somewhat | Un poco, algo | C1 | 129 | Film |
Next quarter | Proximo cuarto, trimestre | C1 | 128 | Exam |
Quarter | Cuarto, trimestre | C1 | 128 | Vocabulary |
Hygiene | Higiene | C1 | 128 | Vocabulary |
Tavern | Taberna | C1 | 128 | Vocabulary |
Tournament | Torneo | C1 | 127 | Exam |
Go over | Repasar | C1 | 127 | Exam |
Clipboard | Portapapleles | C1 | 127 | Vocabulary |
Vest | Chaleco | C1 | 127 | Vocabulary |
Spark | Chispa | C1 | 127 | Vocabulary |
Achivement | Logro | C1 | 127 | Vocabulary |
Trekking | Senderismo | C1 | 126 | Exam |
Stroller | Paseante | C1 | 126 | Vocabulary |
Snobby | Snob | C1 | 126 | Vocabulary |
Tanned | Bronceado | C1 | 126 | Vocabulary |
Babysit | Cuidar a los niños | C1 | 126 | Vocabulary |
Motherly | Maternal | C1 | 126 | Film |
snotty-nose kids. | Niños mocosos | C1 | 126 | Film |
Onwards | Adelante | C1 | 125 | Vocabulary |
Liven up | Animar | C1 | 125 | Film |
Devote | Dedicar | C1 | 125 | Vocabulary |
Outline | Esquema | C1 | 125 | Vocabulary |
Leaflet | Folleto | C1 | 124 | Vocabulary |
Rely | Delegar | C1 | 124 | Vocabulary |
Rubbish | Basura | C1 | 124 | Vocabulary |
Rope | Soga | C1 | 123 | Vocabulary |
Stick | Palo | C1 | 123 | Vocabulary |
Supporters | Partidari@s | C1 | 123 | Vocabulary |
Immerse | Sumergirse | C1 | 123 | Vocabulary |
Rapid | Rapid@ | C1 | 123 | Vocabulary |
Neuter | Neutr@ | C1 | 123 | Film |
Critique | Critico | C1 | 122 | Vocabulary |
Budget | Presupuesto | C1 | 122 | Film |
Building sites | Sitios de construccion | C1 | 122 | Film |
Yells | Gritos | C1 | 121 | Grammar |
To patent | Patentar | C1 | 121 | Film |
To Derail | Descarrilar | C1 | 121 | Film |
aircraft carrier | Porta aviones | C1 | 121 | Film |
Revolving door | Puerta giratoria | B2 - C1 | 120 | Vocabulary |
Rooftop | Techo | B2 - C1 | 120 | Vocabulary |
Decline | Rechazar | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
To crush | Aplastar | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
Bow | Arco, lazo | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
Screw-on-cap | Tapon de rosca | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
Staircase | Escalera | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
Cork | Corcho | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
Sort out | Resolver | B2 - C1 | 119 | Vocabulary |
Extendable | Extensible | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Foldable | Pleglable | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Pouch | Bolsa | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Keyfob | LLavero | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Overdo | Exagerar | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Enclose | Encerrar | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Exchange | Intercambio | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
Swap | Intercambio | B2 - C1 | 118 | Vocabulary |
soak up | Absorber, empaparse | B2 - C1 | 118 | Film |
Kiosk | Quiosco | B2 - C1 | 117 | Vocabulary |
Mass produced | Producido en masa. | B2 - C1 | 117 | Vocabulary |
Lids | Tapas | B2 - C1 | 117 | Vocabulary |
Remix | Remezcla | B2 - C1 | 117 | Vocabulary |
Ice rink | Pista de hielo. | B2 - C1 | 117 | Grammar |
Nap | Siesta | B2 - C1 | 117 | Film |
Log | Tronco | B2 - C1 | 117 | Film |
Meantime | Mientras tanto | B2 - C1 | 117 | Film |
Gorgeous | Precios@ | B2 - C1 | 117 | Film |
To spoil | Arruinar | B2 - C1 | 116 | Vocabulary |
Swimming cap | Gorro de natación | B2 - C1 | 116 | Vocabulary |
Matching attire | atuendo a juego | B2 - C1 | 116 | Vocabulary |
Miniature | Miniatura | B2 - C1 | 116 | Vocabulary |
Coordinate | Coordinar | B2 - C1 | 116 | Vocabulary |
To make an attempt | Hacer un intento | B2 - C1 | 116 | Grammar |
Log-fire | Chimenea | B2 - C1 | 116 | Film |
Works of art | Obras de arte | B2 - C1 | 116 | Film |
Reach | Alcanzar | B2 - C1 | 116 | Film |
Retreat | Retiro | B2 - C1 | 116 | Film |
Born achiever | Triunfador nato. | B2 - C1 | 116 | Film |
Well behaved | Bien portado. | 115 | Exam | |
Plaster | Yeso | 115 | Vocabulary | |
Blueprint | Plano | 115 | Vocabulary | |
Sewer | Altantarillado | B2 - C1 | 115 | Vocabulary |
Shingles | Herpes | B2 - C1 | 115 | Vocabulary |
Heating duct | Conducto de calefaccion | B2 - C1 | 115 | Vocabulary |
Screen door | Puerta de tela metalica. | B2 - C1 | 115 | Vocabulary |
Tight-fisted | Tacaño | B2 - C1 | 115 | Film |
Diminish | Disminuir | B2 - C1 | 115 | Film |
keeps a close watch | Vigila | B2 - C1 | 115 | Film |
Lorry | Camion | B2 - C1 | 115 | Film |
Moving in | Mudandose | B2 - C1 | 115 | Film |
Look away | Apartar | B2 - C1 | 114 | Vocabulary |
Imprisoned | Encarcelad@ | B2 - C1 | 114 | Vocabulary |
Hooked on | Enganchado en, atrapado en | B2 - C1 | 114 | Vocabulary |
Furthermore | Ademas | B2 - C1 | 114 | Grammar |
Therefore | Por lo tanto | B2 - C1 | 114 | Grammar |
Lodgin | Alojamiento | B2 - C1 | 114 | Film |
Air-fare | Tarifa aerea | B2 - C1 | 114 | Film |
Hypnotized | Hipnotizad@ | B2 - C1 | 114 | Film |
Puff | Soplo | B2 - C1 | 114 | Film |
Safety Goggles | Gafas protectoras. | B2 - C1 | 113 | Vocabulary |
Box cutter | Cortador de cajas | B2 - C1 | 113 | Vocabulary |
Take apart | Desmontar | 113 | Vocabulary | |
Unload | Descargar | B2 - C1 | 113 | Vocabulary |
Hang up | Colgar | B2 - C1 | 113 | Vocabulary |
Padding | Relleno | B2 - C1 | 113 | Vocabulary |
Crate | Caja | B2 - C1 | 113 | Vocabulary |
Protective gear | Equipo de proteccion | 113 | Vocabulary | |
Broadcast | Transmitir | B2 - C1 | 113 | Film |
neurotic | Neurotico | 113 | Film | |
Nevertheless | Sin embargo | B2 - C1 | 113 | Film |
To queue up | Hacer cola. | B2 - C1 | 113 | Film |
Cheat | Hacer trampa | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
Filthy | Sucio | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
Abandon | Abandonar | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
Tissue | Tejido | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
Terrifying | Espantos@ | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
Cutlery | Cuchilleria | 112 | Vocabulary | |
To squeeze | Apretar, Estrujar | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
To skip | Saltear, Omitir | B2 - C1 | 112 | Vocabulary |
Even so | Aun asi | B2 - C1 | 112 | Interpret |
Rolercoaster | Montaña rusa | B2 - C1 | 111 | Vocabulary |
Slide | Deslizarse | B2 - C1 | 111 | Vocabulary |
Hammock | Hamaca | B2 - C1 | 111 | Vocabulary |
Gesture | Gesto | B2 - C1 | 111 | Vocabulary |
Flower petals | Petalos de flor | B2 - C1 | 111 | Vocabulary |
To trim | Recortar | B2 - C1 | 111 | Vocabulary |
Boyish | Infantil, varonil | B2 - C1 | 111 | Film |
Ski resort | Estacion de ski | B2 - C1 | 110 | Exam |
slot | ranura | B2 - C1 | 110 | Vocabulary |
It so happens | Resulta | B2 - C1 | 110 | Film |
Unstable | Inestable | B2 - C1 | 110 | Film |
Absurd | Absurdo | B2 - C1 | 110 | Film |
Nonsesnse | Tonterias | B2 - C1 | 110 | Film |
Flip | Dar la vuelta | B2 - C1 | 109 | Vocabulary |
Data | Datos | B2 - C1 | 109 | Vocabulary |
Fotogenic | Fotogenic@ | B2 - C1 | 109 | Film |
To dare | Atreverse | B2 - C1 | 109 | Film |
Tap | Tocar | B2 - C1 | 108 | Vocabulary |
Wine shop | Venta de vinos | B2 - C1 | 108 | Grammar |
Up to now | Hasta ahora | B2 - C1 | 108 | Film |
Profitability | Rentabilidad | B2 - C1 | 108 | Film |
Inconvenient | Inconveniente | B2 - C1 | 107 | Vocabulary |
Worn out | Desgastado | B2 - C1 | 107 | Film |
Cheek to cheek | Mejia contra mejia | B2 - C1 | 107 | Film |
Low necked | Escotado | B2 - C1 | 107 | Film |
Anyhow | De todos modos, de cualquier manera | B2 - C1 | 107 | Film |
Exquisite | Exquisita | B2 - C1 | 107 | Film |
Meet up | Reunirse | B2 - C1 | 106 | Vocabulary |
Intensely | Intensamente | B2 - C1 | 106 | Speaking |
Don´t mistake. | No te equivoques, no te confundas. | B2 - C1 | 105 | Grammar |
Cheerful | Alegria, alegre, jovial, animado | B2 - C1 | 105 | Grammar |
Bright | Brillante | B2 - C1 | 105 | Vocabulary |
Dim | Oscuro | B2 - C1 | 105 | Vocabulary |
stand out | destacar | B2 - C1 | 105 | Vocabulary |
Conform | Conformarse, ajustarse, estar de acuerdo. | B2 - C1 | 105 | Vocabulary |
Run in | Entrar corriendo | B2 - C1 | 105 | Vocabulary |
coincidence | Coincidencia | B2 - C1 | 105 | Film |
Great-niece | Sobrina nieta | B2 - C1 | 105 | Film |
Well-respected | Bien respetado | B2 - C1 | 105 | Film |
Reverend | Reverendo | B2 - C1 | 105 | Film |
Vicar | Parroco, Vicari@ | B2 - C1 | 105 | Film |
Onesie | Mono, mameluco | B2 - C1 | 104 | Exam |
Banner | Bandera | B2 - C1 | 104 | Vocabulary |
grill | parrilla | B2 - C1 | 104 | Vocabulary |
Reindeer | Renos | B2 - C1 | 104 | Film |
Sleigh | Trineo | B2 - C1 | 104 | Film |
Leap year | Año biciesto | B2 - C1 | 104 | Film |
Scarcely | Apenas | B2 - C1 | 103 | Exam |
Seldom | Raramente, rara vez | B2 - C1 | 103 | Exam |
hardly ever | practicamente nunca | B2 - C1 | 103 | Exam |
Trimmer | Maquina razuradora de cabello | B2 - C1 | 103 | Vocabulary |
Recurrently | Con frecuencia | B2 - C1 | 103 | Grammar |
To show off | Presumir | B2 - C1 | 103 | Film |
masseuse | Masajista | B2 - C1 | 103 | Film |
Whoever else | A quien mas | B2 - C1 | 102 | Exam |
Overcooked | Sobrecocido | B2 - C1 | 102 | Vocabulary |
Main course | Plato principal | B2 - C1 | 102 | Vocabulary |
Appetizer | Aperitivo | B2 - C1 | 102 | Vocabulary |
Excel | Sobre salir, superarse a uno mismo, lucirse | B2 - C1 | 102 | Film |
Harbour | Puerto | B2 - C1 | 102 | Film |
Shock someone | Sorprender a alguien | B2 - C1 | 101 | Vocabulary |
Tray | Bandeja | B2 - C1 | 101 | Vocabulary |
Vanity case. | Neceser | B2 - C1 | 101 | Film |
To be in fashion | Estar de moda. | B2 - C1 | 101 | Film |
childish | Infantil | B2 - C1 | 100 | Exam |
thoughtful | reflexiv@ | B2 - C1 | 100 | Vocabulary |
Acquaintance | Conocid@ | B2 - C1 | 100 | Vocabulary |
Put up with | Soportar | B2 - C1 | 100 | Film |
Prince charming | Principe azul | B2 - C1 | 100 | Film |
Grown up children | Hijos mayores | B2 - C1 | 100 | Film |
Kind-harted | Bondadoso | B2 - C1 | 100 | Film |
Gin | Ginebra | B2 - C1 | 99 | Exam |
Restore | Restaurar | B2 - C1 | 99 | Vocabulary |
Inner awareness | Conciencia interior | B2 - C1 | 99 | Film |
Potluck | Probabilidad | B2 - C1 | 98 | Vocabulary |
Amusing | Divertidos | B2 - C1 | 98 | Film |
Banquet | Banquete | B2 - C1 | 97 | Vocabulary |
Cheating in | Hacer trampa | B2 | 96 | Exam |
Disposable gloves | Guantes desechables | B2 | 96 | Vocabulary |
Put out | Apagar | B2 | 96 | Vocabulary |
Diagnose | Diagnostico | B2 | 96 | Vocabulary |
Stretcher | Camilla | B2 | 96 | Vocabulary |
Throughout | A lo largo de, por todo, en todo, a travez de | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Proactive | Proactivo | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Self-aware | Autoconsciente | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Cellar | Cava, Bodega | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Tabs | Pestañas | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Point out | Señalar | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Flick | Pelicula, golpecito, dar un golpecito | B2 | 95 | Vocabulary |
Will | Testamento | B2 | 95 | Grammar |
Isolated | Aislado | B2 | 95 | Film |
Ambience | Ambiente | B2 | 95 | Film |
Affair | Asunto | B2 | 95 | Film |
By the time | Para el momento | B2 | 94 | Exam |
Hold back | Aguantar, mantener en el lugar | B2 | 94 | Vocabulary |
Gamble | Jugar | B2 | 94 | Vocabulary |
Louvre | Lumbrera | B2 | 94 | Grammar |
Light aircraft | Aeronave ligera | B2 | 94 | Grammar |
Pavement | Acera | B2 | 94 | Grammar |
Hypnosis | Hipnosis | B2 | 94 | Film |
Starred | Protagonizado | B2 | 94 | Film |
Blow dry | Golpe a secas | B2 | 93 | Vocabulary |
Desinfect | Desinfectar | B2 | 93 | Vocabulary |
Sweatpants | Pantalones Deportivos | B2 | 93 | Vocabulary |
Crombs | Migas | B2 | 93 | Film |
Hang on | Aferrarse, Colgar | B2 | 92 | Vocabulary |
Candlelit | Alumbrado por velas | B2 | 92 | Vocabulary |
Break up | Disolver, romper | B2 | 92 | Vocabulary |
Stool | Taburete | A2 | 88 | Vocabulary |
Irritable | Irritable | B2 | 88 | Vocabulary |
Coat hanger | Perchero, percha | A2 | 88 | Vocabulary |
Umbrella stand | Puesto de paraguas, para ponere paraguas | B2 | 88 | Vocabulary |
Exchange | Intercambio | A2 | 88 | Vocabulary |
Spare change | Cambio, cambio de repuesto | A2 | 88 | Vocabulary |
Recently | Ultimamente | B2 | 88 | Film |
Random | Aleatorio | B2 | 87 | Vocabulary |
Emphasize | Enfatizar | B2 | 87 | Grammar |
Emphatic | Empatic@ | B2 | 87 | Grammar |
Cheer up | Animar | B2 | 87 | Film |
To plug | Enchufar | B2 | 86 | Vocabulary |
cautiously | Cautelosamente | B2 | 86 | Vocabulary |
Nametag | Etiqueta de nombre | B2 | 86 | Vocabulary |
Crouch | Agacharse | B2 | 86 | Vocabulary |
Short sighted | Miope | B2 | 86 | Film |
Absent minded | Despistado | B2 | 85 | Film |
Jet lag | Descompensacion horaria | B2 | 85 | Vocabulary |
Layover | Escala | B2 | 85 | Vocabulary |
Suspicion | Sospecha | B2 | 85 | Vocabulary |
Snail | Carcol | B2 | 85 | Grammar |
Former life | Antigua vida, vida anterior | B2 | 85 | Film |
I´m off | Me voy | B2 | 85 | Film |
Carefree | Despreocupad@ | B2 | 84 | Vocabulary |
Flying saucer | Platillo volador | B2 | 84 | Grammar |
Certainty | Certeza | B2 | 84 | Grammar |
It´s his loss | El se lo pierde | B2 | 83 | Film |
Pedestrian | Peaton | B2 | 82 | Exam |
Uncertain | Incierto | B2 | 82 | Vocabulary |
Assistant | Asistente, Asistir | B2 | 82 | Vocabulary |
Youthful | Juventud | B2 | 82 | Vocabulary |
Dyed hair | Pelo teñido | B2 | 82 | Vocabulary |
Fancy | Lujos@ | B2 | 82 | Vocabulary |
stiff wooden plank. | Tabla de madera rigida | B2 | 82 | Film |
Daft | Loc@, Bob@ | B2 | 82 | Film |
Least | El menos | B2 | 82 | Film |
Noise pollution | Contaminacion acustica | B2 | 81 | Exam |
Scenic | Escenic@ | B2 | 81 | Vocabulary |
Trail | Sendero | B2 | 81 | Vocabulary |
Brunette | Morena | B2 | 81 | Vocabulary |
Tranquility | Tranquilidad | B2 | 81 | Film |
To rely | Confiar, depender | B2 | 81 | Film |
Appealing | Atractiv@ | B2 | 81 | Film |
Troublemaker | Alborotador | B2 | 80 | Vocabulary |
Worsen | Empeorar | B2 | 80 | Vocabulary |
Passionate | Apasionado | B2 | 80 | Vocabulary |
Pale | Palido | B2 | 79 | Exam |
Patch up | Remendar | B2 | 79 | Vocabulary |
Crafts | Artesania | B2 | 79 | Vocabulary |
Daydream | Ensueño | B2 | 79 | Vocabulary |
String | Cuerda | B2 | 79 | Vocabulary |
Bird´s nest | Nido de pajaro | B2 | 79 | Grammar |
Luckily | Afortunadamente | B2 | 79 | Interpret |
Alley | Callejon | B2 | 78 | Exam |
Uphill | Cuesta arriba | B2 | 78 | Vocabulary |
Downhill | Cuesta abajo. | B2 | 78 | Vocabulary |
Boundary | Perimetro | B2 | 78 | Grammar |
A few at a time | Poco a poco | B2 | 78 | Grammar |
Tool store | Tienda de herramientas | B2 | 77 | Exam |
To revise | Revisar | B2 | 77 | Grammar |
Laundromat | Lavanderia | B2 | 77 | Vocabulary |
Cul-de-sac | Callejon sin salida | B2 | 77 | Vocabulary |
Redhead | Peilorroja | B2 | 77 | Vocabulary |
Prime minister | Primer ministro | B2 | 77 | Film |
Chemist | Farmacia, Quimic@ | B2 | 77 | Film |
Sirloin | Solomillo | B2 | 77 | Film |
To-go box | Caja para llevar | B2 | 76 | Vocabulary |
Astonisment | Asombre | B2 | 76 | Vocabulary |
Silverware | Cubiertos | B2 | 76 | Vocabulary |
To take turns | Tomar turnos | B2 | 76 | Film |
Well fed | Bien alimentado | B2 | 76 | Film |
Cahier | Cajer@ | B2 | 76 | Film |
Fairly cheap | Bastante barato | B2 | 75 | Film |
Petrol station | Estacion de petroleo | B2 | 74 | Exam |
Give way | Ceda el paso | B2 | 74 | Vocabulary |
Welfare | Bienestar | B2 | 74 | Grammar |
Strong Coffee | Cafe cargado | B2 | 74 | Film |
To take over | Hacerse cargo, relevar | B2 | 74 | Film |
To dialogue | Dialogar | B2 | 73 | Vocabulary |
Statement | Estado, declaracion | B1 | 72 | Exam |
Bar stool | Taburete de bar | B1 | 72 | Vocabulary |
Cot | Cuna | B1 | 72 | Vocabulary |
Lamp shade | Pantalla de lampara | B1 | 72 | Vocabulary |
Injury | Lesion | B1 | 71 | Vocabulary |
Fussy | Exigente | B1 | 71 | Vocabulary |
Restless | Inquiet@ | B1 | 71 | Vocabulary |
Gynecologist | Ginecolog@ | B1 | 71 | Vocabulary |
To cry on | Desahogarse, llorar | B1 | 71 | Film |
Encorage | Animar | B1 | 71 | Film |
Optician | Oculista | B1 | 71 | Film |
Reminisce | Recordar viejas historias, recordar | B1 | 70 | Grammar |
Streaming | Transision | B1 | 70 | Vocabulary |
Fellow | TIpo | B1 | 70 | Film |
Doubtful | Indecis@ | B1 | 70 | Film |
Satellite | Satelite | B1 | 70 | Film |
Telly | Television | B1 | 70 | Film |
Darts | Dardos | B1 | 70 | Film |
Shilings | Chelines | B1 | 70 | Film |
Nine pence | Nueve peniques | B1 | 70 | Film |
Arctic Circle | Circulo Artico | B1 | 69 | Vocabulary |
Subtropics | Subtropicales | B1 | 69 | Vocabulary |
Tropics | Zona tropical | B1 | 69 | Vocabulary |
All inclusive | Todo incluido | B1 | 69 | Vocabulary |
Itenerary | Itenerario | B1 | 69 | Vocabulary |
Coloseum | Coliseo | B1 | 69 | Grammar |
Walking tour | Recorrido a pie | B1 | 69 | Grammar |
Not quite | No exactamente | B1 | 69 | Film |
Ancestors | Ancestros | B1 | 69 | Film |
To spot | Localizar | B1 | 68 | Grammar |
To look forward | Esperar | B1 | 68 | Film |
Little pocket book | Librito de bolsillo | B1 | 68 | Film |
Unreliable | Informal / no de confianza | B1 | 68 | Film |
Long suffering husband | Marido sufrido | B1 | 68 | Film |
Timing | Sentido del tiempo | B1 | 68 | Film |
To be punctual | Ser puntual | B1 | 68 | Film |
Eventually | Finalmente | B1 | 68 | Film |
To come to a decision | Tomar una decision | B1 | 68 | Film |
To forsake | Abandonar | B1 | 67 | Grammar |
To dare | Atreverse | B1 | 67 | Grammar |
To learn by heart | Aprender de memoria | B1 | 67 | Grammar |
To rhyme | Rimar | B1 | 67 | Grammar |
Patterns | Patrones | B1 | 67 | Film |
Mug shot | Foto policial | B1 | 66 | Vocabulary |
Defendant | Acusad@ | B1 | 66 | Vocabulary |
Courtroom | Sala de justicia | B1 | 66 | Vocabulary |
Bedside table | Mesita de noche | B1 | 66 | Film |
To turn over | Darse la vuelta. | B1 | 66 | Film |
To smash | Romper | B1 | 66 | Film |
What then | Entonces que | B1 | 66 | Film |
To tow away | LLevarse | B1 | 66 | Film |
To sparkle | Brillar | B1 | 65 | Vocabulary |
Unvoiced Sound | Sonido sordo | B1 | 65 | Grammar |
To sue | Demandar | B1 | 65 | Film |
To treat one´s self. | Darse un gusto, capricho | B1 | 65 | Film |
Very Pleased | Mus satisfecho | B1 | 65 | Film |
Milky way | Via lactea | B1 | 64 | Vocabulary |
Ark | Arca | B1 | 64 | Vocabulary |
Fall apart | Venirse abajo | B1 | 64 | Film |
Glum | Sombri@ | B1 | 63 | Vocabulary |
To sulk | Enfurruñarse | B1 | 63 | Vocabulary |
Afterwards | Despues | B1 | 63 | Film |
Head hunter | Caza talentos | B1 | 62 | Vocabulary |
Undidy | Desordenado | B1 | 61 | Vocabulary |
Depressing | Deprimente | B1 | 61 | Grammar |
Suspense | Suspenso | B1 | 61 | Vocabulary |
Blond rinse | Reflejos rubios | B1 | 61 | Film |
To be fed up | Estar harto. | B1 | 60 | Film |
Misunderstanding | Mal entendido | B1 | 59 | Vocabulary |
Dungarees | Mono, Jumper | B1 | 59 | Vocabulary |
Aparel | Vestir | B1 | 59 | Vocabulary |
Hail | Granizo | B1 | 59 | Vocabulary |
Role | Papel | B1 | 59 | Film |
Pessimistic | Pesimista | B1 | 59 | Film |
Antioxidants | Antioxidantes | B1 | 57 | Vocabulary |
Pulses | Legumbres | B1 | 57 | Vocabulary |
Starch | Almidon | B1 | 57 | Vocabulary |
Dairy | Lacteos | B1 | 57 | Vocabulary |
Consolidate | Consolidar | B1 | 57 | Grammar |
Clause | Oracion | B1 | 57 | Grammar |
Chips | Papas fritas | B1 | 57 | Film |
On one´s own | Solo | B1 | 57 | Film |
On it´s own. | Solo | B1 | 57 | Film |
Beforehand | Antemano | |||
Motorway | Autopista | B1 | 56 | Exam |
To scrub | Fregar | B1 | 56 | Vocabulary |
Hunted house | Casa embrujada | B1 | 56 | Vocabulary |
Valuable | Valioso | B1 | 56 | Vocabulary |
Glassware | Cristaleria | B1 | 56 | Vocabulary |
Emerald | Esmeralda | B1 | 56 | Vocabulary |
Chore | Tarea | B1 | 56 | Grammar |
To pay upfront | Pagar por adelantado | B1 | 56 | Grammar |
Toll road | Carretera de peaje | B1 | 56 | Grammar |
Antique | Antiguo | B1 | 56 | Film |
Sufficient | Suficiente | B1 | 56 | Film |
Polish | Pulir | B1 | 56 | Film |
Penalty spot | Punto de penalty | B1 | 55 | Vocabulary |
Substitude Bench | Banca suplente | B1 | 55 | Vocabulary |
Obey | Obedecer | B1 | 55 | Film |
Midfield | Centro campista | B1 | 55 | Film |
Keeper | Portero | B1 | 55 | Film |
Toddler | Niñ@ pequeñ@ | B1 | 54 | Vocabulary |
Whereas | Mientras | B1 | 54 | Grammar |
Tends to convey | Tiende a transmitir | B1 | 54 | Grammar |
To convey | Transmitir | B1 | 54 | Grammar |
Tends | Tender a | B1 | 54 | Grammar |
Yield | Ceder el paso | B1 | 53 | Vocabulary |
Dead end | Callejon sin salida | B1 | 53 | Vocabulary |
U-Turn | Giro en U | B1 | 53 | Vocabulary |
To greet | Saludar | B1 | 52 | Vocabulary |
Attempts | Intentos | B1 | 52 | Film |
Straight away | Inmediatamente | B1 | 52 | Film |
Chore | Faena | B1 | 51 | Vocabulary |
Trial | Prueba | B1 | 51 | Vocabulary |
To gossip | Chismear | B1 | 51 | Vocabulary |
Issue | Emitir, Tema | B1 | 51 | Vocabulary |
Campsite | Campamento | B1 | 51 | Grammar |
Rubbish | Basura | B1 | 51 | Grammar |
Diners | Comensales | B1 | 51 | Grammar |
Repay | Devolver el favor | B1 | 51 | Film |
To nap | Ciesta | B1 | 50 | Vocabulary |
Stitch | Puntada | B1 | 50 | Vocabulary |
Synonyms | Sinonimos | B1 | 50 | Grammar |
Perm one´s hair | Hacer el permanente | B1 | 50 | Film |
Service the car | Revisar el auto | B1 | 50 | Film |
Electrical fittings | Instalacines electricas | B1 | 50 | Film |
Frightening | Alarmante | B1 | 50 | Film |
Fright | Susto | B1 | 50 | Film |
Pupil | Alumno | B1 | 49 | Vocabulary |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Rompecabezas | B1 | 49 | Film |
Terrific | Gran | B1 | 49 | Film |
Queue | Cola | A2 | 48 | Vocabulary |
To shrink | Encojerse | A2 | 48 | Grammar |
Ring road | Circunvalacion | A2 | 48 | Grammar |
Rush hour | Hora pico | A2 | 48 | Grammar |
Midweek | Entre semana | A2 | 48 | Film |
Leisure time | Ratos libres | A2 | 48 | Film |
Leisure | Ocio | A2 | 48 | Film |
Odd | Extrañ@ | A2 | 48 | Film |
Concerned | Inquieto, Preocupado | A2 | 47 | Vocabulary |
Irritable | Irritable | A2 | 47 | Vocabulary |
Likely | Probable | A2 | 47 | Grammar |
Guessing game | Juego de adivinanzas | A2 | 46 | Film |
Costly | Costoso | A2 | 44 | Vocabulary |
Masses | Muchos | A2 | 44 | Film |
Registry office | Juzgado | A2 | 44 | Film |
Side dish | Guarnicion | A2 | 43 | Vocabulary |
Spontaneous | Espontaneo | A2 | 43 | Speaking |
Stingy | Tacaño | A2 | 43 | Film |
Vow | Voto | A2 | 42 | Vocabulary |
On condition | A cambio de, con la condicion | A2 | 42 | Film |
Radio quiz | Concurso de radio | A2 | 42 | Film |
Jaw | Mandibula | A2 | 41 | Vocabulary |
Snooze | Dormitar | A2 | 41 | Vocabulary |
Sparkling water | Agua con gas | A2 | 41 | Vocabulary |
Feast | Banquete | A2 | 41 | Vocabulary |
Big head | Presumido | A2 | 41 | Film |
Acommodatioin | Alojamiento | A2 | 39 | Vocabulary |
River cruises | Cruzeros fluviales | A2 | 39 | Vocabulary |
Leaflet | Folleto | A2 | 39 | Vocabulary |
Timetabled | Programado | A2 | 39 | Grammar |
Farewell | Adios | A2 | 39 | Film |
Conference | Convencion, Conferencia | A2 | 39 | Film |
To enquire | Preguntar | A2 | 38 | Vocabulary |
One off | Puntual | A2 | 38 | Grammar |
Dine | Cenar | A2 | 37 | Vocabulary |
Dull | Tedioso | A2 | 37 | Vocabulary |
Precise | Preciso | A2 | 37 | Grammar |
Tidy | Ordenado | A2 | 37 | Film |
Bossy | Mandon, Mandona | A2 | 36 | Vocabulary |
Humid | Humedo | A2 | 36 | Grammar |
Strengthen | Fortalecer, reforzar | A2 | 36 | Grammar |
Wig | Peluca | A2 | 35 | Vocabulary |
Thrilled | Encantad@ | A2 | 34 | Vocabulary |
Grid | Cuadricula | A2 | 34 | Vocabulary |
Hole punch | Perforadora | A2 | 34 | Vocabulary |
Comedian | Comico, comediante | A2 | 33 | Exam |
Paw | Pata | A2 | 33 | Exam |
To craft | Crear | A2 | 33 | Vocabulary |
House husband | Amo de casa | A2 | 33 | Film |
Stilettos | Tacones de aguja | A2 | 32 | Vocabulary |
Pile | Monton | A2 | 32 | Film |
Candlestick | Candelabro | A2 | 32 | Film |
Roller blades | Patines de linea | A2 | 32 | Film |
Waltz | Vals | A2 | 31 | Vocabulary |
To snap | Chasquear, Romper | A2 | 31 | Vocabulary |
Fancy dress ball | Fiesta / Baile de disfrases | A2 | 31 | Film |
Gears | Velocidades | A2 | 30 | Film |
Torso | Torso | A2 | 30 | Vocabulary |
Trousers | Pantalones | A2 | 29 | Vocabulary |
Bargains | Gangas | A2 | 29 | Film |
Mandarins | Mandarinas | A2 | 28 | Vocabulary |
Carrier bags | Bolsas | A2 | 28 | Vocabulary |
Aisle | Pasillo | A2 | 28 | Vocabulary |
Trolley | Carretilla, carrito de compras | A2 | 28 | Vocabulary |
Cupboard | Alacena | A2 | 28 | Grammar |
Move on | Continuar | A2 | 28 | Grammar |
Bread Roll | Panecillos | A2 | 27 | Vocabulary |
Fresh Rolls | Panecillos frescos | A2 | 27 | Film |
To rush | Apurarse, estar atarasado | A2 | 26 | Vocabulary |
Meany | Mal@ | A2 | 26 | Film |
Silly | Tont@ | A2 | 26 | Film |